What Does It Mean to be Nefarious? - A Poem

What Does It Mean to be Nefarious?

What does it mean to be nefarious?
For most of my life I have
Dreamed to have a pure soul.
My ambition is to be perfect
It still is.
But when I am nefarious, I
Scare myself.
I begin to question if I will
Ever be perfect.

What does it mean to be perfect?
It seems to be different for everyone.
But components of perfection
Are stable across people.
Honor your father and mother.
No murder or adultery.
Thou shall not steal.
Rules like these make societies stable.
They make societies

By being nefarious,
I feed the system working
Against that fairness.
So I try to not be nefarious.
But I make mistakes.
Forgive me.


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